I had a brief layover in Washington D.C. before heading down to New Orleans...here's some pics I took there...me in front of the white house ;) my fav...me and lincoln hangin out...and some other random pics from our nation's capitol...enjoy!!
All American Tattoo | American Tribal Tattoo | Tribal American Flag Tattoo | Native American Tribal Tattoos
The first leg of my trip took me to North Carolina, down south to work
at Old Glory Tattoo in Charlotte. Home to the amazing crew...Pat Crane,
Don Juan, Tom Wilkinson, and piercer Steve. My first days were heavy
laden with the never ending bar-b-que....which ruled! And good times did
follow....I did some tattooing...(which I'll be posting pics of...) and
had some work done on me by Don "mutha f*kin" Juan...
I also received my first gunplay incident while we were at the first
show I went to. We had just arrived at the venue last Sat. And had just
gotten out of the car when two people ran by us while being chased by
two other people who were shouting, "Stop those guys they robbed us!"
...when they said that, one of the guys being chased reached into his
pocket pulls out a revolver..(all while running away) and shoots three
times in the air. They continued to run off, and the other guys
proceeded to pursue them. We all just looked at each other, shrugged our
shoulders and laughed at the ridiculousness of it all...and I believe
one of the guys I was with said, "Welcome to Charlotte..". We went in,
the show was good, a rock/jam band and the rest of the night was chill.
So, not a bad way to begin this journey....craziness...but don't let that sway your opinion...all the people were quite nice...hospitable and altogether lots of fun to hang out with and work along side of...I'd like to thank Pat ...Old Glory and all those who made this a heluva great place that if any of you ever get the chance you should definitely go and see those guys...good people, good tattoin,
and good times. I would go back anytime...and probably will...but
first...on to Florida...a 21 hour train ride away...
...and more adventures to be had...
Stay tuned...