Photos: Top to bottom: Front of Shop ; The Infamous piercer Shane ; L to R Fred, Elvis, Jesse ; L to R Elvis, Jimmy the Saint ; L to R Fred, Elvis on Bourbon St. ; Nautical Star neck tattoo on Lee the piercer
Ah, New Orleans, LA...post Katrina...still kickin!! I had the distinct pleasure to go and work at the Laboratory (actually in Slidell,LA but close enough ;0p ) for Fred...who is an amazing person all around. I had a great time there, all of the guys from the shop were cool as hell, and I would most certainly go back there given the chance...I hope sooner than later. We did spend some time down on Bourbon St. which looks quite good and had mad fun there. Did some cool tattoos and spent time with good people...that's it i'm goin back...heh...well if you're in the area be sure to visit those kats down at the Laboratory 985-649-1800...go ...now!!!
...almost forgot....: Woo!!!Yea!!!